Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Teeth and Boogers

So it's Christmas day, and I am very sad I have to be honest. I don't want to cry, so I will make this blog entry VERY light. . .and talk about teeth and boogers.

So, I try to take Kenya in with an open mind like I have written about in previous entries. I am adjusting to life in a lot of different ways. But there are a few things that I miss terribly and I can't let go of, nor do I think I will EVER be able to accept or let go of. So pardon me if this entry sounds like a spoiled American. Because, well, I am.

1-Teeth. Many people here in Kenya have bad teeth. They chew on stuff all the time. Usually stalks of sugar cane. Most of them have access to toothbrushes if not dental care. Hey, I chew gum and I don't go to the dentist, but my teeth aren't brown! I really try to talk to people with dark teeth without paying attention to their teeth, but I can't help it.

2-Cold or Hot Showers. There is no such thing (at least at the house where I'm staying) as a luke warm shower. It is usually too hot or too cold so you have to adjust the temperature back and forth. And water pressure. . .well. . .there is none.

3-Matatus. This is the public form of transportation. You have to squeeze into the seats (even skinny people) and after you are on for about 10 minutes the Matatu driver's assistant will tap you on the shoulder. This means he wants you to pay him. He gets really mad sometimes if you don't have correct change. Then they proceed to drive down dirt and dusty roads at the fullest speed even if it means you feel like you are falling over or dying of dust inhalation. To get the Matatu to stop, you get the attention of the Driver's assistant and he beats the top of the van. That means stop. After you are out and before the Driver's assistant can get back in, the matatu is kicking up dust and on its way. I prefer taking taxis, but I don't do it unless it is dark outside because matatus are SO cheap. To go into town on a taxi is 200 Kenyan Shillings. . . and by Matatu just 20! A taxi is 10 times as much. BTW, 20 shillings is about 30 cents in US. Last night there were lots of people trying to get on the Matatu. We waited at the station for an hour. Finally a woman who works at the Walk Children's Center showed up. Her husband is a taxi driver so we called him to "rescue" us. Even though it was only 200 Shillings for him to take us home, I gave him 500 because I was so grateful for him rescuing me and my friend.

4-Dirty Feet. My feet can't stay clean. No matter if I am in flip flops, sneakers, or crocs. Everything below my knee stays covered in a layer of dust.

5-Smelly armpits. Enough said.

6-And since I'm here. . .slow internet. It's worse than dial up.

7- and finally. Boogers. I can't get used to black boogers. I know this sounds really gross, but I bet kids here think that boogers are black. When you blow your nose here, because of all the dust, guess what color things are. . .black. Yuk. I know now that I've grossed you out.

But usually I am crying by the end of my blog messages. . .today, I'm smiling :) Hope you are too.

Merry Christmas, Everybody.


1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Hi Toni,
Merry Christmas again sis. That was a cute message. I'm glad that you started to feel better. We all had a very good day. (It's 9:45 p.m. here). Our dad prayed a tear jerking prayer this moring at breakfast. He had all of us crying. He really does miss you a lot. Let me stop talking about it because I will start up again. We all have decided that you can travel as much as you want during the year (not over a week at a time though), but never never never again at Christmas:) Well I love and miss you sis, talk to you later. P.S the kidz were really suprised about their Wii this morning. Talk to ya later gator.