Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Raise the Roof

This entry will be about my first Safari which I went on this past weekend. I wanted to wait until after my second safari which I will go on this weekend because it's supposed to be even better. However, I can't wait. So I'll write about the first one and then after this weekend I'll write about the next one.

On Saturday a little van picked me an my roommates up at 7AM. We headed to Lake Nakuru National Park which is only about 5 minutes from my homestay. As a matter of fact, since we are on a hill at my homestay, we can see the lake from the house. We paid $40 US dollars which I thought was a bit high for the park admission, but had been told it would be worth my money. And boy, was it. When we got into the park, the van driver told us that he was going to "Raise the Roof." You probably have seen pictures of little vans with raised roofs taking safaris. What an experience! First we saw baboons, then White Rhinos, and then thousands upon thousands of flamingos. They were beautiful! I wish that this computer cafe would let me download pictures, maybe one day I will find the one downtown that will, otherwise you will have to wait until January to see the gorgeous pictures. Unfortunately, I don't think that pictures will do this park or our adventures of that day any justice. There were zebras grazing within feet of our car. And buffalo. My new favorite animal is the giraffe. We only saw one of them, but boy was he beautiful. I also liked the Black Rhino. Black Rhinos like to hide in the bush. We were lucky to see one. I spotted it before anyone else. When he noticed our van he took off proving that just because you are big doesn't mean you can't be fast. Some people in the van didn't even get to see it he was so fast. Later we saw a dead buffalo. Our driver told us to pay close attention, because the lioness who had killed him was bound to be around. And what did we see underneath a tree waiting for the lion to come. . . you guessed it. . . a lioness!!! Our driver said that we were quite lucky because most of the time tourists don't get to see the lions at Nakuru. The tour lasted for about 3 hours. We parked and got out on top of a cliff with breathtaking views. We took pictures of rare birds, an eagle, a baby white rhino. . .It was amazing and well worth the time and the 40 bucks. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see any Hippos. Even after going to the hippo pond and singing, "I want a Hippopatamus for Christmas." The hippos wouldn't emerge from the water. . .too hot for them.

Later that day the fun didn't stop. We drove up to the Menengai Crater. BREATHTAKING!! and then we went to Thomson Water falls where there was a wedding taking place near the falls. Lastly we stopped by this place called the Equator. Yeah, you guessed it, the real thing. There was a guy there who did a water demonstration which showed how water flows in opposite directions if you are above the equator or below the equator. It was quite fascinating.

So this weekend I am doing the ultimate Kenyan Safari. Me and one of the people on the project are going to the Masai Mara! We are so excited. It is a 3 day safari. We are supposed to be able to see ALL of the Big 5 on this trip! (I wonder if my Swahili class can remember what they are!). I will take lots of photos and video!!!!! And of course I'll write here about it.


Phyllis said...

Hi Toni,
Sound like you had a full day. Glad that you are having fun. I can't wait to see the pictures. If you can get a good close up for Lillian. I will call you in the morning.
Big Sis

Phyllis said...

Oh I forgot to say a closeup of what! But you knew if it was for Lillian it must be an Elephant.